The story of Ian Greenhill, a young man who transforms his life from clearing out abandoned flats full of rubbish and dealing with rodents to becoming a successful content creator and producer, is nothing short of remarkable. Greenhill, now 35, co-founded Studio Something with Jordan Laird 10 years ago, and their innovative work has attracted big brands and inspired unique projects.
One such project was promoting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by dropping a bottle of Irn Bru in a bulletproof cover from a crane and sending a Tunnock’s tea cake into space. Greenhill’s work is driven by a desire to inform and entertain, and he has also been heavily involved in projects promoting mental health, a cause close to his heart after the suicide of his friend Scott Hutchinson, vocalist of the rock band Frightened Rabbit.
Greenhill’s professional endeavors are fueled by fun, and he approaches serious topics with a lighthearted yet substantive touch. This is evident in his work addressing bowel cancer, where he performed the “Poo Song” in front of Nicola Sturgeon and her ministers. His growing television work, including “A View From the Terrace,” now in its seventh season, embodies this spirit of “why not? Let’s give it a try.”
Studio Something’s success has attracted attention from major organizations like the NBA and the English Premier League, with Greenhill producing a series on basketball and a fan-focused story on Brentford FC. Their influence has even reached the BBC, who consulted them on improving fan engagement. Greenhill’s work in football is expanding with the Euros, as he collaborates with Martin Compston and Gordon Smart on “Late Night at the Euros,” featuring guests like Lyndon Dykes and Vicky McClure.
Greenhill’s mantra, “we work hard to make stuff people like,” guides his approach to content creation, and he attributes his success to learning from mistakes and surrounding himself with the best people to bring his ideas to life. With a bright future ahead, Greenhill remains humble, driven, and determined to continue creating innovative and impactful content.
Gordon Smart and Martin Compston will be hosts of the BBC programme
Scotland star Lyndon Dykes will be among those making a guest appearance on the show
Vicky McClure from Line of Duty is also due to appear on the Euros show
Pals Compston and Smart will be having regular chats with the Tartan Army
Scotland fans are set to make appearances on the BBC show after converging on Germany
Greenhill has previously brought A View From The Terrace to the BBC