Kylie Jenner recently shared a series of provocative photos on Instagram, showcasing her latest swimwear collection from her apparel line, KHY. The 26-year-old reality TV star posed on a beach, donning a scant red bikini with thin straps and triangle cups that accentuated her curves. Some followers commented on the revealing nature of the bikini, with one questioning if it was “three sizes too small.” Jenner, known for her hourglass figure, stands at 5’6″ tall and is believed to be a size 2 with a 24-inch waist. Another fan suggested she consider posing for a pay-to-view website, predicting she would “make a fortune” with such content.
Kylie Jenner showcases her curves in a skimpy red bikini from her apparel line, KHY, in a series of Instagram photos.
Jenner has been open about her love for fashion and her desire to redefine modern wardrobes through her clothing line. Her recent 007 Poplin collection featured elegant white dresses, tops, and skirts. The entrepreneur and social media influencer has also been in the news for her romance with actor Timothee Chalamet. According to sources, Jenner is protective of their relationship but speaks highly of Chalamet in private. The couple has been making their long-distance relationship work, with Chalamet working in NYC and Jenner based in LA. They were recently spotted together in LA, dispelling rumors of a quiet breakup. A source close to the couple shared that their relationship comes naturally and they make an effort to see each other despite their busy schedules.
The red bikini featured thin straps and triangle cups that accentuated Jenner’s curves.
Some followers commented on the revealing nature of the bikini, questioning its size.
A fan suggested that Jenner consider posing for a pay-to-view website, predicting she would ‘make a fortune’.