Porsha Williams’ Side Hustle: She Would’ve Been a Masked Dancer

Porsha Williams is a multitalented individual with a diverse range of career paths and interests.

Porsha Williams.
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Throughout her career, Williams has explored various avenues and pursued multiple passions. She has been a model, author, musician, activist, businesswoman, and reality star on The Real Housewives of Atlanta. However, in a recent exclusive interview, Williams revealed that she almost chose a different path.

At one point, Williams shared that she “always thought [she]’d be a waitress” and actively pursued that career for years. She also expressed interest in becoming an attorney, although she never took steps to realize that dream. Nonetheless, her diverse experiences have shaped her into the multifaceted individual she is today.

Keep reading to uncover 25 intriguing facts about Williams, offering a glimpse into her life beyond the spotlight.

RHOA’s Porsha Williams Reveals the Career Path She Would’ve Taken if She Weren’t a Housewife
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1. Legends of the Fall holds a special place in Williams’ heart as her favorite movie.

2. Growing up, Williams had a celebrity crush on the handsome Brad Pitt – an easy choice for many.

3. Williams has an impressively high pain tolerance. She has walked around with broken toes and bones without much bother.

4. One of Williams’ unique talents is her ability to perfectly mimic the sound of an alarm system.

5. Her go-to coffee order is a delicious toffee nut latte with whipped cream.

RHOA’s Porsha Williams Reveals the Career Path She Would’ve Taken if She Weren’t a Housewife
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6. Williams has a strong opinion on fashion and would never be caught wearing a turtleneck with a necklace.

7. She is a frequent user of the UberEats app, which has become her favorite.

RHOA’s Porsha Williams Reveals the Career Path She Would’ve Taken if She Weren’t a Housewife
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Coachella

8. One of Williams’ biggest pet peeves is people who don’t brush their teeth first thing in the morning.

9. Her ideal Sunday includes going to church, enjoying pancakes for brunch, taking her daughter Pilar to soccer practice, and then relaxing at home for the rest of the day.

10. Williams never leaves the house without her trusted Fenty Beauty Precision Makeup Sponge 100.

11. When it comes to health, she swears by the advice of not dieting and instead, always having a plan and listening to her intuition.

12. Williams’ happy place is in her daughter Pilar’s room, spending quality time with her.

RHOA’s Porsha Williams Reveals the Career Path She Would’ve Taken if She Weren’t a Housewife
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13. Williams considers the 2018 Coachella concert, headlined by Beyoncé, as the best concert she has ever attended.

14. People are often surprised to learn that Williams enjoys playing golf.

15. In addition to her interest in waitressing, Williams considered a career as an attorney but never pursued it.

RHOA’s Porsha Williams Reveals the Career Path She Would’ve Taken if She Weren’t a Housewife
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16. When it comes to comfort food, Williams loves ribs and crab legs, but her favorite meal is a juicy steak with creamed corn and mashed potatoes.

17. For karaoke, Williams always chooses a song by Lil’ Kim, especially her collaboration with The Notorious B.I.G – “Get Money.”

18. At the gym, Williams loves working on her abs and considers ab exercises her favorite.

19. Her go-to wardrobe item is a pair of black Savage x Fenty workout pants.

RHOA’s Porsha Williams Reveals the Career Path She Would’ve Taken if She Weren’t a Housewife
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20. Williams’ favorite vacation destination is the beautiful Turks and Caicos.

21. Her favorite book is her own autobiography, The Pursuit of Porsha. Be sure to grab a copy!

22. Williams still fondly remembers her first car, a navy blue Mitsubishi Eclipse.

23. Her very first job was as a bus driver.

24. The best piece of advice Williams ever received came from her mother, who wisely said, “If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for everything.”