Los Angeles law enforcement has apprehended two minibike gang members suspected of involvement in a violent incident with Ian Ziering, a 90210 actor. The actor and his 12-year-old daughter, Mia, were confronted by a group of mini-bikers on Hollywood Boulevard five months ago, leading to a physical altercation. The LAPD announced the arrest of Jacob Esteban Hernandez, 20, from Rosemead, and Angie Teresa Guizar, 40, a Los Angeles resident.
Hernandez was charged with felony vandalism, while Guizar was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. Authorities credited video evidence of the incident, which occurred in late 2023, as crucial to the investigation, although it did not directly lead to the suspects’ identification. Ziering, 60, shared his frightening experience with fans on Instagram, expressing concern about the boldness of such groups and advocating for community safety. The case will now be reviewed by the District Attorney’s office to determine if charges will be filed.
An LAPD incident statement detailed the altercation, which occurred around 3 pm on New Year’s Eve when Ziering and his daughter were stopped in traffic on Hollywood Boulevard. The statement noted that the confrontation began over potential vehicle damage and quickly escalated as additional minibike riders joined in.
Ziering’s Instagram update the day after the incident emphasized his commitment to standing up against intimidation and his belief in the importance of personal and community safety. He also highlighted the larger issue of hooliganism on the streets and the need for effective law enforcement responses.