Elizabeth Debicki and Emma Corrin, who portrayed Princess Diana in The Crown, recently shared their experiences auditioning for the acclaimed drama. Debicki, who played Diana in the fifth and sixth seasons, and Corrin, who portrayed her in the fourth season, have both received numerous accolades for their performances.
In a recent interview for Variety’s Actors on Actors series, Debicki revealed that she had initially auditioned for a guest role in Season 2, long before she was cast as Diana. She recalled how she had admired the lush production value and the dawn of the Golden Age of television, particularly with Netflix originals.
Despite not getting the part, Debicki’s agent hinted at future opportunities, and she continued to watch The Crown religiously for several years. However, when Corrin was cast as Diana, Debicki thought it was a “nice dream” that wouldn’t come true for her.
Elizabeth Debicki and Emma Corrin, stars of The Crown, revealed their unexpected paths to portraying Princess Diana.
Debicki portrayed the late Princess of Wales in the final seasons of The Crown.
Corrin portrayed a young Diana in the fourth season, winning accolades for her performance.
Corrin, who played a young Diana facing a troubled marriage, also shared her approach to capturing the Princess’s mannerisms accurately. She studied Diana’s post-engagement interview, noting how her mannerisms became almost like tics under intense emotional stress. Corrin could relate to this, having experienced the invasive nature of paparazzi attention personally.
Debicki, an Australian actress, revealed that she initially felt anxious about mastering Diana’s distinctive voice. She felt a huge responsibility to get as close as possible to the Princess’s unique sonic imprint. However, she found that Diana’s voice had a musical quality that was far removed from her own sense of self.
The Crown’s stars have also shared their emotional experiences filming scenes surrounding Diana’s death. Debicki described the scenes leading up to Diana’s final hours as “heavy, manic, and invasive.” She found it challenging to recreate the feeling of being pursued by the press, knowing there was nowhere to escape.
Additionally, Debicki revealed the attention to detail in recreating an iconic photo of Diana in a turquoise swimsuit in Portofino. She felt a sense of sacredness in getting that moment right.
Jonathan Pryce, who plays Prince Philip, shared how he “could not stop crying” when watching clips from the series about Diana’s death. Fellow cast member Khalid Abdalla, who plays Dodi Fayed, even walked the route of the couple’s tragic car ride to better understand the geography of the events.
Debicki shared the emotional impact of filming scenes leading up to Diana’s death.
The cast’s dedication to honoring Diana’s memory and accurately portraying her life and tragic death showcases their commitment to delivering a sensitive and impactful performance. As the final season of The Crown approaches, viewers can expect to witness the culmination of these powerful performances and the lasting legacy of Princess Diana.