It has been confirmed that Kenya Moore will not be returning for the upcoming season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. The 53-year-old reality star’s suspension from the show comes after an incident with new cast member Brittany Eady, which reportedly involved Moore displaying sexually explicit posters of Eady during filming.
According to reports, Moore is considering legal action as she feels wronged by the network’s decision. She had previously denied the allegations, stating that she would “never engage in revenge porn.” Co-stars Kandi Burruss and Porsha Williams have shown support for Moore, but despite this, she will not be returning for the remainder of the season.
This conflict has caused a stir among fans of the show, with many expressing their opinions online. Meanwhile, Moore has been a prominent member of the Real Housewives of Atlanta since her debut in season 5, back in 2012.
Kenya Moore’s suspension from The Real Housewives of Atlanta has been confirmed.
The conflict arose between Moore and Eady during the initial days of filming.
This recent development in the show’s dynamic will undoubtedly spark further discussions among fans and followers of the franchise. With Moore’s absence, it remains to be seen how the remaining cast members will navigate their relationships and interactions throughout the season.