Jessica Seinfeld, author and wife of comedian Jerry Seinfeld, shared a heartwarming family photo on Instagram, commemorating their youngest son Shepherd’s high school graduation. The photo captured Jessica, Jerry, and their two older children, Sascha and Julian, proudly posing with the graduate. Fans were quick to notice an unexpected detail in the photo: Shepherd casually holding a lit cigar.
Jessica, dressed in a vibrant pink dress, beamed with pride as she celebrated this milestone with her family. Jerry, looking dapper in a suit and polka dot tie, stood proudly among his children, shielding his eyes with sunglasses and sporting a bright smile. Sascha and Julian also dressed for the occasion, with Sascha in a green dress and Julian in a navy button-up and black pants.
In her Instagram caption, Jessica shared that she and Jerry had gifted Shepherd a flip phone for his graduation, hoping to encourage him to part ways with his smartphone. She reflected on her own experiences as a parent, wishing she had waited until her son was older before introducing him to smartphones. Jessica also expressed curiosity about a phone recommended by a friend, @thelightphone, and asked her followers for their thoughts.
The family has been in the spotlight recently, with Jessica and the children supporting Jerry at the premiere of his Netflix movie, “Unfrosted,” in late April. The couple, married since 1999, met during Jessica’s first marriage, and their relationship has had its share of public scrutiny.
Jerry’s recent comments about the state of comedy and his nostalgia for “dominant masculinity” have sparked mixed reactions. His former “Seinfeld” co-star, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, disagreed with his views on political correctness, arguing that sensitivity and awareness can be positive. The iconic sitcom “Seinfeld,” which ran from 1989 to 1998, remains a beloved classic, with the duo starring together throughout its nine-season run.
Jerry Seinfeld’s wife, Jessica, shares a heartwarming family photo from their son Shepherd’s high school graduation, with fans noticing the graduate’s casual cigar.
The Seinfeld family celebrates Shepherd’s graduation, with the graduate holding a lit cigar.
Shepherd Seinfeld celebrates with friends, partaking in cigars to commemorate his graduation.
Jessica Seinfeld’s Instagram caption reveals her gift of a flip phone to Shepherd for his graduation.
The Seinfeld family attends the premiere of Jerry’s Netflix movie, “Unfrosted,” in late April, showing their support for the comedian’s latest project.
Jessica and Jerry Seinfeld attend the Met Gala in New York in May, making a stylish duo.
Jessica and Jerry Seinfeld have been married since 1999, their relationship weathering public scrutiny.