Jeremy Allen White, the celebrated actor known for his roles in “The Bear” and “Shameless,” was recently spotted enjoying a day out with his daughters, Ezer and Dolores, at the Studio City Farmer’s Market. The proud dad was seen pulling his daughters in a green wagon, watching over them as they enjoyed the rides, and engaging in conversation with a woman dressed in a black sundress.
Jeremy Allen White enjoys a day out with his daughters at the Studio City Farmer’s Market
The outing comes amidst White’s recent divorce from his ex-wife, actress Addison Timlin, with whom he shares custody of their children. The couple, who met as teenagers on the set of the 2008 film “Afterschool,” married in 2019 but separated in September 2022. Despite the split, they have demonstrated a commitment to co-parenting, with Timlin dropping their daughters off with White on Father’s Day.
In the wake of their divorce, Timlin has opened up about the challenges of single parenting, describing it as “so f***ing hard” and “exhausting.” She also acknowledged the loneliness that can come with being a single parent, particularly in witnessing magical moments without a partner by your side. White, on the other hand, has expressed his love and gratitude for Timlin, praising her during his Golden Globe acceptance speech and speaking fondly about his family in an interview with InStyle.
White and Timlin, pictured here, met as teenagers and married in 2019 before separating in 2022
White’s custody arrangement includes daily breathalyzer tests, highlighting a commitment to his children’s well-being. The actor, dressed casually in an unbuttoned white shirt, tank top, and faded jeans, appeared to be in good spirits during the family outing, donning a khaki ball cap and sunglasses to shield himself from the Southern California sun.
White kept it casual with an unbuttoned white shirt and faded jeans
While the end of a marriage can be challenging, White and Timlin’s dedication to co-parenting and their children’s happiness is evident. As they navigate their new normal, they continue to prioritize family and create special memories, as seen during their recent day out at the farmer’s market.