The Simpsons has achieved a remarkable milestone, airing its 750th episode in a spectacular fashion. The iconic show celebrated this achievement by cramming an astonishing 750 characters into its opening sequence, featuring a plethora of beloved celebrities, including Dolly Parton and the late Queen of England.
The special opening sequence kicked off as usual at Springfield Elementary School, with Bart scribbling on the blackboard. However, this time, he wrote: “I will not try to cram 750 characters into the opening credits…” – a clever nod to the show’s accomplishment.
The sequence then burst into a whirlwind of cameos, featuring an array of stars, including the Rolling Stones, John Lennon, and The Who, all of whom made appearances alongside country music legend Dolly Parton in Lisa’s orchestra practice. Even the devil, in the form of Ned Flanders, and Homer as King Kong, made brief appearances.
Each of the 750 characters has made an appearance throughout the show’s remarkable 34-season run since its debut in 1989.
The familiar opening sequence was taken over by a medley of 750 characters. Some of the famous faces packed into the Simpsons’ living room include Willy Wonka and Stampy the Elephant
The late Queen, Elton John, Frank Grimes, and John Madden also made appearances in the medley, along with other figures like Lard Lad, Cheech and Chong, and Ron Howard.
Several nods to the landmark number were scattered throughout the episode, including a scene where Maggie’s price at the supermarket checkout reads $750.
The episode, titled “Homer’s Adventures Through the Windshield Glass,” marked the season finale and featured special guests Lizzo and Tim Robinson.
Lizzo voiced a cartoon version of herself and a children’s doll named Goobie Woo, and expressed her excitement about being part of the iconic show. “I don’t know a world without The Simpsons. It is just synonymous with living,” she said.
The episode revolves around a car accident Homer suffers, which leads to a series of surreal adventures with Goobie Woo as his spirit guide.
Iconic rock band the Rolling Stones are pictured alongside country music legend Dolly Parton in the back of the children’s music class
Bart is seen chalking out: ‘I will not try to cram 750 characters into the opening credits…’
The Who and John Lennon also make an appearance in the music room
The late Queen and Michelle Obama are honored with an appearance outside the Simpson family home
Maggie is scanned through the checkout at the supermarket for the price of $750
Despite the show’s remarkable longevity, it is expected to continue for a while longer, with season 35 and 36 already in the works, which will take the sitcom past its 800th episode.
The Simpsons has faced controversy recently when it was revealed that one of its stars, Nancy Cartwright, who voices Bart, has donated over $21 million to the Church of Scientology.