Despite a lackluster opening weekend at the box office, Michael Rooker, who stars in Horizon: An American Saga, stands by the Western film. The movie, directed by and starring Kevin Costner, was expected to underperform, and it debuted in third place with a meager $11 million. Rooker, portraying Sgt. Major Thomas Riordan, described the film as ‘real cinema,’ a departure from the typical 90-minute, fast-paced fare.
Despite its box office performance, Michael Rooker defends the Western film Horizon: An American Saga.
Rooker, who plays Sgt. Major Thomas Riordan, has high praise for the film.
Rooker emphasized the importance of storytelling and character development in the three-hour film, the first of a planned four-part saga. He attributed the preference for shorter, bite-sized content to modern audiences being ‘TikTokified.’ Despite the ambitious scope, Rooker praised Costner’s direction and ability to select exceptional talent. The film received mixed reviews from critics, earning a 40% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Rooker encourages audiences to embrace ‘real cinema.’
Rooker has high praise for Costner’s direction and talent selection.
The second installment is set to release in August, with production already underway for the third film and the fourth in development. However, if the second chapter underperforms, there may be pressure to reconsider the remaining films.