Chace Crawford, the 38-year-old actor, recently opened up about his love life on the Call Her Daddy podcast with Alex Cooper. Crawford revealed that he is currently single and described his dating life as a “dumpster fire.” He also shared that he joined the exclusive celebrity dating app, Raya, a week ago but has been having a “terrible” experience with online dating.
Chace Crawford has revealed he is single. The actor recently joined the dating app Raya.
Crawford also reminisced about his time living in New York City with fellow actor Ed Westwick and his first impression of Leighton Meester, his Gossip Girl co-star. He recalled working at Abercrombie & Fitch as a teen and joked about the store’s strong fragrance. The interview comes after Crawford’s recent Instagram post with Westwick, which delighted fans.
Chace’s last public relationship was with actress Rebecca Rittenhouse. The couple split in 2018.
Chace Crawford joined the celebrity dating app Raya but has had a “terrible” experience with online dating.
Chace Crawford with the Gossip Girl cast in 2007.
Chace Crawford and Ed Westwick reunited in April, delighting fans.
Crawford’s full interview on Call Her Daddy premiered on June 12. The actor currently stars in the final season of The Boys on Prime Video.