ESPN raised some eyebrows during its ESPY Awards broadcast on Thursday. As Steve Gleason, a former New Orleans Saints safety, discussed his battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the network cut to a shot of Damar Hamlin, a 26-year-old Buffalo Bills safety who famously collapsed on the field in Cincinnati after a tackle in January 2023. Hamlin’s cardiac arrest brought attention to the dangers of tackle football, and viewers found the timing of the cut-away shot peculiar, especially after Gleason’s mention of death.
Gleason, who was honored with the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage, has been living with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, since 2011. His speech, delivered through special technology, received a standing ovation, and he was joined on stage by his son, Rivers, and former teammate Drew Brees. Hamlin, a symbol of resilience, has returned to the field and continues to advocate for health and safety initiatives for young athletes through his foundation, the Chasing M’s Foundation.
The network’s decision to cut to Hamlin during Gleason’s speech about his life-and-death struggle with ALS prompted reactions from viewers, who found the timing odd and questioned the network’s choice. ESPN has not provided an official comment on the matter.
During the ESPY Awards on Thursday, ESPN raised some eyebrows by cutting to a shot of Damar Hamlin, the Buffalo Bills safety who famously collapsed on the field after a tackle in January 2023. This came as former New Orleans Saints safety Steve Gleason discussed his battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and mentioned death.
Hamlin’s cardiac arrest brought attention to the dangers of tackle football, and his recovery has been an inspiring story. However, viewers found the timing of the cut-away shot peculiar, with some commenting on social media about the strangeness of the moment.
ESPN cut to a shot of Damar Hamlin during Steve Gleason’s speech
Gleason’s speech was delivered by computer, with his son, Rivers, by his side
ESPN has not provided an official comment on the matter. However, Gleason’s speech was a powerful moment at the ESPYs, as he received the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage. His battle with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, began in 2011, and he has used his platform to help others living with the disease through his nonprofit, Team Gleason.
Hamlin, for his part, has returned to the field and continues to make an impact. He played in five games this season, as well as both of Buffalo’s postseason matchups. Additionally, he leads the Chasing M’s Foundation, dedicated to the health and safety of young people through sports. Hamlin hopes to ensure that kids across the country have access to life-saving care like he did.
Damar Hamlin collapsed after a tackle during a game against the Bengals in January 2023
Damar Hamlin’s heart was restarted, and he was rushed to the hospital for recovery
Damar Hamlin and Daisy Ridley speak onstage during the 2024 ESPY Awards
Hamlin’s comeback has been nothing short of remarkable, and he was a runner-up for Comeback Player of the Year. His health ordeal has had a significant impact, and he continues to be a symbol of resilience and a source of inspiration for many.
ESPN’s decision to cut to Hamlin during Gleason’s speech about his battle with ALS prompted reactions from viewers. While the network has not commented, the moment underscores the ongoing conversation about player safety and the potential risks associated with tackle football.