The comedy world is mourning the loss of Perry Kurtz, a 73-year-old comedian who was struck and killed by a car in a hit-and-run incident on Thursday evening. Just two nights prior, Kurtz was seen having the time of his life at a karaoke bar, belting out Billie Eilish tunes with his signature humor and flair.
Those close to the late comedian have shared heart-wrenching stories of Kurtz’s final days, revealing his excitement about upcoming gigs and his plans to audition for America’s Got Talent once again. The source recalled Kurtz’s passion for making people laugh, saying, “He was looking forward to doing stand-up and also had a few shows lined up at senior communities in the next few months.”
Kurtz’s love for karaoke was evident in his go-to song choice, Billie Eilish’s “Bad Guy,” which he would often perform with his own freestyle rap and dance moves. His friends and companions would often be left in stitches, enjoying his unique blend of humor and entertainment.
Comedian Perry Kurtz was looking forward to upcoming gigs and enjoying time at karaoke bars with friends days before he died, aged 73, after he was struck by a car in a hit-and-run
Kurtz had a close friendship with the late Robin Williams, whom he had opened for before Williams’ passing in 2014. Kurtz would often regale his companions with “stories for days” about Williams, and was always chasing his next career goal and finding ways to make people laugh and be on TV.
Those who knew Kurtz described him as a devoted father, always proud to show off his daughter and share stories about her accomplishments. His phone screensaver even featured a picture of his daughter.
Kurtz’s life was tragically cut short in a hit-and-run incident in Tarzana, LA, on Thursday evening. The Los Angeles Fire Department pronounced him dead at the scene. An 18-year-old suspect, Naithon James, has been arrested in connection with the incident.
Insiders close to the late comic have shared their shock and heartbreak with as they recalled the star’s final days and the career plans he had for the future
The star is pictured with James Corden on The Late Late Show in 2018
Kurtz was killed in an incident in Tarzana, LA, after a collision around 11:30pm on Thursday by a gray Honda Civic
Kurtz appeared on season 8 of America’s Got Talent in 2006, where he rapped about the judges, receiving three “Nos.” In 2018, he appeared on James Corden’s The Late Late Show, shocking the audience by playing an instrument with his tongue.
Kurtz began his career in the 1970s, performing at comedy clubs in LA and New York City, and went on to open for Robin Williams. His agent, Dante Rusciolelli, paid tribute to Kurtz, saying, “Golden Artists Entertainment and myself are personally devastated by this news. Perry was not only a client, he’s been my friend since 1987.”