The daughter of two renowned actors, Harlow Olivia Calliope Jane, recently attended Oscar parties with her famous mother, Patricia Arquette. Her father, Thomas Jane, has also built an impressive career, starring alongside Cameron Diaz. But it doesn’t stop there; her uncle, David Arquette, famously married to Courteney Cox, has a long list of film credits, including the Scream franchise. And her aunt, Rosanna Arquette, starred alongside Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan, with a Toto song named after her.
Harlow and her mother were spotted at the Vanity Fair Oscar party, with Patricia donning a black suit while her daughter wore a stunning low-cut white gown. They also attended the Elton John viewing party, which was graced by the likes of Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan. The night before, they attended the MPTF’s 22nd Annual Night Before event, one of the most prestigious pre-Oscar parties, held at the Fox Studio Lot in Los Angeles.
The young starlet is the daughter of famous actors and has a renowned uncle and aunt.
Harlow, at just 20 years old, has already embarked on her own acting journey. She even starred alongside her mother in the Apple TV+ comedy High Desert, playing a younger version of Patricia’s character. Despite initially rebelling against the family profession, she eventually embraced her passion for acting, acknowledging that she “couldn’t live a lie” about her true aspirations.
The Motion Picture & Television Fund’s annual benefit, co-chaired by notable names like Sterling K. Brown and Jodie Foster, raised over $4.3 million. These funds will provide vital support to industry members and their families through various charitable programs and services.
The duo attended the Vanity Fair Oscar party, with Patricia in a black suit and Harlow in a stunning white gown.
The mother-daughter duo at the Elton John viewing party, an exclusive event with celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan.
The MPTF’s benefit, co-chaired by notable names, raised a substantial amount to support industry members and their families. This includes financial aid, crisis counseling, and residency for television and film veterans. Their impact was significant during work stoppages, providing over $8 million in financial assistance.
Patricia and Harlow at the MPTF’s Annual Night Before event, a star-studded pre-Oscar party.
Patricia with America Ferrera and Eva Longoria at the MPTF’s Annual Night Before event, a star-studded affair.
The last public appearance of Patricia and Harlow was at the Apple TV+ Emmy Awards after-party in Los Angeles in January. Patricia wore a golden long-sleeved dress, while Harlow chose a light green sleeveless dress. Both mother and daughter looked elegant and stylish at the event.
Patricia and Harlow at the Apple TV+ Emmy Awards after-party, exuding elegance and style.