Kourtney Kardashian was spotted on a rare outing with her nine-month-old son Rocky in Calabasas, California, on Saturday. The 45-year-old reality star kept it casual, wearing an oversized brown, tan, and black T-shirt, black and white sneakers, and loose-fitting white athleisure pants. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a half-ponytail, and she appeared to be wearing natural-looking makeup behind her dark sunglasses.
Rocky looked adorable in a black graphic T-shirt and tan joggers. The mother-son duo was seen going on a quick shopping trip, with Kourtney showing no signs of jet lag after supporting her husband Travis Barker at the Reading Festival in the UK.
In other news, Kourtney’s supplements company, Lemme, is under investigation for allegedly misleadingly and deceptively marketing its products. The class action litigation firm, Zimmerman Reed, claims that Lemme’s products, including Purr Gummies, Curb Capsules, Debloat Gummies, and Matcha Gummies, do not contain the recommended amount of active ingredients to support their advertised claims.
Customers who believe they may have been deceived by Lemme are encouraged to fill out an online questionnaire. Questions include whether they expected the products to work as advertised and whether they would have purchased the products if they had known the ingredients were ineffective.
Each of the supplements sells for $30 online and in stores like Target or Ulta. Kourtney launched Lemme with her friend Simon Huck in September 2022.
Kourtney Kardashian kept is casual when she was spotted on a recent rare outing with her son Rocky Saturday in Calabasas, CA
The reality star, 45, looked relaxed in an oversized brown, tan and black T-shirt. She stepped out in a black and white sneakers and a pair of loose fitting white athleisure pants
Her long dark hair was pulled back in a half-ponytail. She appeared to be wearing natural looking makeup behind her dark sunglasses. The chubby baby, almost 10 months, looked adorable in a black graphic T-shirt and tan joggers