Singer Lily Allen Confesses to Rehoming Fido After Mishap with Vital Travel Docs

Lily Allen’s Furry Fiasco
A Lesson in Pet Parenting
When Chewing Becomes a Deal-Breaker

Miss Me?

Lily Allen is facing a barrage of criticism online after revealing she returned a rescue puppy to the shelter due to its destructive behavior, including chewing up her family’s passports.

The actress shared the story on her “Miss Me?” podcast, recounting how the dog she adopted in 2021 turned out to be a mischievous pup with a penchant for chewing everything in sight.

lilly allen and kids getty 1

Among the puppy’s many victims were Allen’s passport and her kids’ passports, complete with visas stuck inside – which the dog promptly shredded.

Allen described the ordeal as “ruining my life,” citing the time and money spent on replacing the passports and the subsequent impact on her kids’, Ethel and Marnie, ability to visit their biological father, Sam Cooper, who lives in England.

Allen claimed the dog was badly behaved across the board, and the passport incident was the final straw, leading her to take the dog back to the shelter. Her family is now considering adopting another pup.

The internet is not taking the news kindly, with many accusing Allen of being irresponsible and saying she shouldn’t be allowed to adopt another dog. Others have shared their own stories of pets causing chaos, arguing that it’s no excuse to give up on a furry friend.

Sloppy Celeb Pooch Smooches -- Puppy Love!

It seems Allen is willing to take another chance on pet ownership, but the next dog better be on its best behavior – or else!