Beloved actress Marlo Thomas has paid a heartfelt tribute to her late husband, the legendary talk show host Phil Donahue. The TV icon passed away at the age of 88, surrounded by his loved ones, including Marlo, at their home.
Marlo took to social media to share a poignant message, accompanied by a sweet photo of the couple riding a motorbike together on vacation. “I’m sure by now you’ve heard the very sad news that I lost my sweetheart last night,” she wrote.
Marlo Thomas, 86, has paid tribute to her late husband, talk show legend Phil Donahue (pictured together, in happier times, during a European vacation)
Marlo continued, “I know you understand that I’ll be stepping away from this page for a while to take care of myself and the many people who took care of Phil, and held him close to their hearts.”
She expressed her gratitude for the outpouring of love and support, saying, “But I didn’t want to disappear without saying thank you for the beautiful messages of love and support that have been coming in all day.”
Marlo fondly remembered her husband, saying, “As a man who spent his career loving his audiences, Phil got such a kick out of our cozy little community [on social media], and I know he would be very touched by the heartwarming thoughts and memories you’ve been sharing.”
She concluded her message, saying, “Until I return, I wish you good health and happy days in the company of family and friends, and I hope that you will continue to hold close those you cherish most, just as I was blessed to do with my beloved Phillip.”
Countless comments offering words of condolence ensued, for a woman who had been married to Donahue for the past 44 years.
The pair met on the set of his program back in 1977, with Donahue as the host and Thomas as his guest. They would go on to wed just three years later, following what Thomas described as “instant chemistry.”
Donahue was married to Thomas for the past 44 years, after he had already fathered five children. His youngest, Honolulu lawyer James Donahue, died from an unexpected aneurysm almost ten years ago to the day, at age 51
Donahue’s illustrious career saw him host big names such as Bill Clinton, Muhammad Ali, Johnny Carson, Ayn Rand, and Nelson Mandela over the course of 16 more years on his seminal show. He would go on to win 20 Emmys – 10 for outstanding host and 10 for the overall show.
Tributes have since poured in for the fondly remembered TV personality, who set an example for figures as far-ranging as Oprah Winfrey, Geraldo Rivera, and Sally Jesse Raphael with his approach to daytime TV.
Winfrey – who is worth more than $3 billion – famously said in 2002: “If there had been no Phil Donahue show, there would be no Oprah Winfrey”, and shared her own statement reiterating those sentiments on Monday.
Donahue is survived by his wife, sister, children, and grandchildren, all of whom were by his side when he passed.