Renowned broadcaster Jake Humphrey has once again shared a heartfelt message of encouragement to students who were left disappointed by their A-level results.
The High Performance Podcast host has made it a habit to post motivational messages on social media every year, drawing from his own experiences of heartache and perseverance.
As students received their A-level results and learned whether they had secured their preferred university spot, apprenticeship, or job role, Humphrey took to social media to share a poignant message from his dad.
The message, which Humphrey posted, included an image of his own A-level results from 1997, which showed a U, N, and E in English Literature, Government and Politics, and Psychology.
Jake Humphrey has offered a message of hope to students left disappointed by their A-level results
The broadcaster posted a message his dad had sent reminding him of his journey over the last 28 years
Humphrey also posted an image of his results in 1997, which included a U, E and N
Humphrey’s dad reminded him that 28 years ago, he received A-level results that didn’t meet his expectations, but that ultimately turned out for the best.
“Morning Jacob,” the message read. “28 years ago this morning you got results you didn’t want that surely turned out or the best.”
The former BT Sports presenter shared the message, saying it was the love, patience, and understanding of his parents that got him through his own A-level results day.
“If someone in your life hasn’t got the results they want today, put an arm around them and show love. Their future is far from written,” Humphrey wrote.
While some users were quick to mock Humphrey for his motivational message, others appreciated his words of encouragement.
Humphrey has faced his own share of challenges, including online abuse and criticism, which he has spoken about publicly.
In an earlier interview, he admitted that he is unlikely to return to presenting football due to the barrage of hate he suffered on social media.
Humphrey described his fear of online abuse, saying it makes him think, “What’s the point even talking about this stuff?”
Despite the criticism, Humphrey remains committed to sharing his experiences and offering support to others who may be struggling.